Payment Options
Payment Methods
1. Visa or Mastercard
PLEASE NOTE: You'll need to select the "Paypal" option as the Payment Option during checkout. Then below the yellow "Log in" button you will find a link that says "Don't have a Paypal Account - want to use your credit card". We use the Paypal gateway for added security and peace of mind. YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT
2. Paypal
Use your existing Paypal account to pay for your purchases.
3. Bank Transfer
Make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank to ours. Details provided during the checkout process. REMEMBER to email your bank receipt, so we know when you have made the deposit, so we can proceed with your order.
Bank: ANZ
Trading Name: Designer Folders
Account no: 349711024
BSB no: 014-254
Handling Fee
A 'Handling Fee' of $15 applies for any orders under $150.